Unsure Saturday & lazy sunday

Saturday I woke up quite late.
Breakfast: Shake, oats, strawberry and pisang.

Nasi and lauk telur, kambing and telur masin(lauk semlm)

Went to a few places to buy zippers, threads and barang kuih.
Went to Yummies in Bangi, ramainya orang.

Dinner at 12th cafe.
They changed their chef and most of the things in the old menu have been taken off.
We ate chicken chop and spaghetti olio. (Tapau - makan kat rumah tak abis pun)


Woke up late again.
Breakfast: Shake, oats, strawberry and pisang.

Ate whatever left from yesterday, sharing with Khadeeja.
Khadeeja drank milk more than once day time.

Pergi urut at Senanawang.

Went to The Chef cafe after that.
Ordered Nasi Beringin and Laksa Tempoyak.

Balik from there lepak at mamak with Coach and Ida.
Minum teh o jek because I was full.


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