Saturday activity

I started as early as 5am today.
Baking carrot cupcake. Frying meehoon. Siap dlm kul 8, siapkan khadeeja and rushed to ecohill, only to find out i have forgotten my water bottle. Rushed to 7e to buy add some.
Reached ecohill but couldnt find em, climbed to the top with my poor baby who stopped me many times for water.  Finally U found them down below.
Breakfast: Vanilla shake with dates and lowfat milk.
Potluck tadi: white fried bihun, carrot cake, agar2, popia pisang cheese andb fruits.

Balik rumah tidor kejap. Then clean the whole house, well..almost the whole house.

Then we went to Lenggeng nak mintak pokok. Kak Lela and emi ajak makan.
Dinner: rice 2 pinggan (ouch!)
Rendang nangka(sedap giler tapi santan ber kg2), sup ayam. Sardin, sayur.

Balik rumah kunci hilang. I could not take my omega3 to balance up what i ate today.


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